Business Writing Training

There are 84,900 Google results for the search term “business writing training,” with many of those being business writing training consultants such as ourselves. It can be confusing to sort through all the different package offerings, especially when so many consultants present themselves similarly. You’ll find words like “customization,” “hands-on training,” “professional” and “coaching” on countless websites. So how can you find the best business writing training for your enterprise?

We feel what sets us apart from the pack is our experience. We’ve been leaders in the business since 1985 (doing the math, that’s 25 years and counting). Our business writing training staff comes from strong academic tradition, but they have also worked hands-on as leaders in the business world at home and internationally. To date, our business writing training workshops have been hosted by prestigious clients like Ronald Reagan’s White House staff, NASA, Census Bureau, Coca-Cola, Missile Defense Agency, US Army Audit Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Montgomery County School System and Federal Executive Institute – to name a few.

Writing Training

When you’re choosing the right business writing training for your enterprise, you want a team that has worked with the best agencies and companies. You want someone whose golden standards are widely accepted across multiple industries. There are many start-ups and consultants arising from the ashes of the recession, but it all boils down to: Who has the experience to deliver results?