Your staff gets more from our training than just a great writing class. Committed to your success, we work closely with every participant afterward to produce lasting results. Here’s how we usually do it:
- Two days of classwork for 10 professionals. Illustrations and exercises come from work-related writing sent ahead by the participants. This extensive tailoring helps them learn faster and remember longer.
- Personal coaching right after class. Each participant meets with our instructor for 45 minutes to discuss his or her own writing, which the instructor edits in advance. This one-on-one coaching reinforces the classwork and treats individual needs and interests as no class can.
- Personal coaching long after class. For fully six months after a class, participants may send us their writing for our advice. Email Express™ is a free and easy way for your staff to keep making progress.
How do I schedule a
writing seminar?
Contact the Murawski Group
(800) 636-3060 or

Your writing seminar and coaching won’t dwell on grammar or punctuation (unless you make us mad). They’ll focus instead on reaching more elusive goals:
- Content that’s right for the audience and purpose
- Organization that gets to the point and makes navigation easy
- Wording that’s clear, concise, and convincing
Different occupations approach these goals differently. Choose the writing workshop at the top that’s best for you. If you don’t see the one you are looking for, just ask.