Internal Audit Report Writing – 2 days plus coaching
Good internal audit report writing is tough because you have to be clear about what went wrong (usually) without antagonizing the very readers you want to help. In this course you learn proven techniques for maintaining a positive tone while describing troublesome conditions precisely, identifying root causes clearly, and presenting recommendations with built-in accountability.
How will I benefit from this seminar on internal audit report writing?
You’ll learn to:
- Define audit objectives in a way that saves your time and helps senior executives get right to the point of your report
- Prepare a conclusion that makes condition, cause, and effect unmistakable
- Outline and draft a discussion quickly using key points embedded in your objective and conclusion
- Write recommendations that emerge directly from your audit, provide clear guidance to readers who must carry them out, and ease your job in evaluating the efforts of those readers
- Maintain a positive tone through thoughtful selection of terms and methods of expression
- Create reader-friendly sentences that make your points clearly and persuasively
- Use numbers and other evidence to boost your readers’ understanding and memory
How do I schedule a seminar on internal audit report writing?
Contact the Murawski Group
(800) 636-3060 or
What will I take away from the seminar on internal audit report writing?
You’ll take away powerful techniques based on our years of experience in working with highly successful auditors.
In addition, you’ll receive:
- A 75-page guide packed with instructions, examples, and exercises
- Checklists to make sure you touch all the bases in your next report
- A template to help you draft key sections with speed and precision
To learn about class size and our customized approach to your classwork and coaching, please read the overview.